Currently under contract with Texas Annual Conference to provide Executive Coaching via group debriefings of all conference clergy through a program called “Refresh.” The five year program is currently in year 4 and has served approximately 100 mid career pastors in the development of self-care and personal development plans. I have a similar contract with the Indiana Annual Conference to provide the same program but it is currently only in year 2.
Team Leader for the Texas Annual Conference’s Birkman Method Coaching team – a team of 9 certified coaches who provide a variety of programs to clergy, laity, cabinet members and residents. Currently responsible for coaching and debriefing all in coming candidates for ordination.
Working as an affiliate of Corbett Hansen Consulting Group – a for profit company that provides high quality coaching, strategic planning and executive coaching for a wide variety of industries and markets.
Working with The Watershed United Methodist Church in League City, TX to develop a leadership enhancement program for new and prospective leaders as a part of their onboarding program for vision, mission, and values.